If You Are a Writer... Write!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tainted Legacy

Tainted Legacy:
The Story of Alleged Serial Killer Bertha Gifford
by S. Kay Murphy

"On August 25, 1928, a black sedan pulled into the dusty circular driveway of a farmhouse in the tiny rural community of Catawissa, Missouri. The sheriff of St. Louis County emerged from the vehicle and walked slowly up the front steps. A middle-aged farmwife answered his knock. She spoke quietly with him, excused herself to powder her face, then allowed herself to be led outside and taken away. Authorities sought to question her in a mystery which had been building for twenty years: Was she a selfless saint who voluntarily cared for the acutely ill in order to nurse them back to health and restore them to their families, or a minister of death whose crimes would qualify her as America’s first female serial killer? In this riveting nonfiction memoir, S. Kay Murphy recounts the tale of searching for the truth about her great-grandmother—accused murderer Bertha Gifford. "

This is from the just released book written by my good friend Kay. I have my copy ready for her to sign when I see her at our next writing group meeting. If you are interested in this book you can order easily from Amazon.com. I just love 1-Click shopping at Amazon, but it can get dangerous with my addiction to books. Click, click, click... three new books this week.


~ Denise ~ said...

The feel of a new book, the smell of the pages and the enticing draw of the text. aaahh....oh, I think I need to go to amazon now. lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing this one out - I think my Mums going to love reading this one, theres also a cracking review on the Amazon site. That one-click-to-buy stuff is deadly!

Anonymous said...

Laura, GF, thank you for posting this!! And thank you (again) for being willing to read the book while still in manuscript form, and for all your encouragement--pre and post-writing of it! You kept me going until I finished!