If You Are a Writer... Write!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

25 Questions - 24 & 25

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Yes... have been bad this week at finishing these up. Been super crazy at work and tooooooo hot here at home. Find I have no energy at all. But here are the last two and that will be the end of these 25. If you have used any of them as prompts for your blog would love for you to comment and offer a link.

Question #24 ~

How would you like to die?

Gracefully. Oh, and I really want Van Morrison's Moondance album for my funeral music.

Question #25 ~

What is your motto?

Be happy, worry only when necessary, love a lot, be kind, try something new, dance everyday.

(Okay, lots of little motto's, but hey, it is my blog.)

Monday, July 20, 2009

25 Questions - 23

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #23 ~

Which talent would you most like to have?

I would like to be able to play beautiful music... guitar, piano... something lovely. But like asking what I would change about myself this is probably doable. Lots of time, a bit of money and tons of practice. Not sure I want it that badly. So for now, I will tune in my radio to classic for the drive home and smile at other's wonderful talent.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

25 Questions - 21 & 22

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #21 ~

What is it that you most dislike?

When people say, "I am not judging you, but..."

Question #22 ~

What is your greatest regret?

If you regret something that implies you want something changed, done different. And while there are many things in my life I could have and some I should have done different, the chain reaction to any going back is just too monumental to imagine. So I try to learn from my mistakes and consider them lessons that were necessary, bumps in my path and consider how to do better in the future and try to the best of my ability to avoid regrets.

Monday, July 13, 2009

25 Questions - 20

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #20 ~

What historical figure do you most identify with?

I have racked my brain searching for a historical figure to identify with... got nothing.

If anyone knows a slightly underpaid bookkeeper mother with four kids who sometimes wrote and painted on occasion, had a few close friends and a husband she adored who was a historical figure just let me know so I can edit this answer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

25 Questions - 19

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #19 ~

Who are your favorite writers?

My friends in my writing group. Every month we get together and inspire each other to be creative. A simple prompt during the meeting, or they might bring something they have written since we last met to share, but they are all amazing writers and friends.

And the wonderful friends I have made since I began my Pictures, Poetry & Prose blog project. Every single day I am astounded at how talented the writers are that offer up their writing at PP&P to the beautiful images I am privileged to share there.

Oh yeah, and Harper Lee. I had an anonymous post once at PP&P that I could swear was her. Hey, she might blog, you never know.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

25 Questions - 18

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #18 ~

What is your most marked characteristic?

Well I just don't like this one at all. Maybe I should do a quasi-scientific survey of friends and acquaintances and see what the response is. Wonder what my children would say? Wonder what Hubby would say, or my mom? I just really am not enjoying offering my own answer.

First it seems a bit redundant after quite a few of the other answers previously. I have offered my empathy and my love of Hubby and kids, but that is probably not a marked characteristic is it? Secondly, I really want to find a positive and upbeat answer. Oh wait, upbeat and positive... I am to a fault... optimistic. Often according to a couple friends, annoyingly so.

There you go, optimism... my glass is brimming full most all of the time.

Monday, July 6, 2009

25 Questions - 17

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #17 ~

What is your favorite occupation?

Merriam says -
Main Entry: oc·cu·pa·tion
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English occupacioun, from Anglo-French occupaciun, from Latin occupation-, occupatio, from occupare
Date: 14th century
1 a: an activity in which one engages b: the principal business of one's life : vocation2 a: the possession, use, or settlement of land : occupancy b: the holding of an office or position3 a: the act or process of taking possession of a place or area : seizure b: the holding and control of an area by a foreign military force c: the military force occupying a country or the policies carried out by it.

So, by the first definition I would say my favorite occupation is writing. Well, not technically true all the time, sometimes it really stinks, is hard pushing toward impossible. Other times, I can write a single sentence that makes my heart leap for joy and occasionally a poem or a short story feels so good going from brain to fingers to paper that it is wonderful.

Now as far as the principal business of one's life definition... for the past 16 years I have been a bookkeeper. I never meant to be a bookkeeper, it just sort of happened to me... like catching a virus. But I seem to do it decently, and they keep paying me to do it. But as for favorite it is a bit like saying your only cousin is your favorite cousin even though that cousin is the one who gave you wedgies as a kid, or tattled on you. They are your favorite only because you have no other choice.

I took possession of my house 12 years ago. It is small, and often a bit messy, the kitchen needs updating, and the upstairs bathroom sometimes has issues, but it is mine, the payment for my taking possession is reasonable and it is home.

Hmmm... by military force... oh, wait, once in fourth grade the girls stormed the boys' tree fort and for one glorious day we were conquerors. Then they took it back the next day.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

25 Questions - 16

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #16 ~

What is your most treasured possession?

Lately it has been Henry. My laptop computer. As it allows me to express myself in many different ways. Although paper and pen work well too where that is concerned. Henry is named Henry because it seemed to fit nicely. I connect with friends with Henry's help. I have made wonderful new friends with Henry's help. I help to inspire others to write and that fills my heart with joy.

Ask this question a month from now it might have a different answer, but today Henry is treasured.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

25 Questions - 15

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #15 ~

Where would you like to live?

On a beautiful coast in a small stone cottage.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

25 Questions - 14

25 questions from an interview found in the back of Vanity Fair while I was getting a pedicure. I invite anyone to answer with me these questions, here as a comment or on your own blog and leave me a link/note.

Question #14 ~

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

When I shared this question with a friend he rolled his eyes and said it was too much like a bad job interview question. So I have been racking my brain trying to come up with a non-cliche' answer, like my children or my marriage (all quite significant achievements).

Greatest implies that I have done anything great. I haven't done much that would be on the radar as great. Hmmm... won a writing contest once, that felt nice at the time, but probably not spectacular enough for even great let alone greatest. I have come to be at peace with my very long toes and now get them pedicured and wear open toed sandals regularly. Well, I mean if you knew how much I hated them when I was a kid you might think that was great. Oh, maybe my driving on the freeway. Yeah, I know I live in Southern California near impossible not to drive on the freeway. But this was once a HUGE fear for me, pushing toward panic attack, and I have had really worked hard to overcome it. I can drive into Los Angeles now if the need arises. Huge deal for me, but probably not great.

Sorry, my greatest achievements... my beautiful, happy, healthy children and my fun and happy hubby.